
Requests and Suggestions

We value input from our clientele as well as outside sources.  Please let us know what questions you might have, ask us questions, ask for presentations, and let us be your partner in all of these very important endeavors.  We cannot improve without input from our clientele, and we value and seek this input. 


We will schedule regular meetings with senior staff, with the company ambassadors, with the Human Resources and Marketing departments and with the organizations that you have chosen to assist. These efforts will serve to continuously improve the service that we deliver to you, our very important client.  Please do not hesitate to give us feedback, to reach out to us with questions and suggestions.  We want to continue building a partnership with every company that we serve.  Thank you for your input, your questions, your suggestions, and your trust in Involved! LLC. 

Let’s Visit

Please fill out the form below. Give us your name, title, company name and all pertinent contact information. We appreciate hearing from you, but we want to be sure that you also have our contact information. Although we will get back to you as soon as possible, we encourage you to just pick up the phone and give us a call, text or email us. We want to be sure you receive a response that meets your time and availability, so please give Susan a call at 214.725.9300 or email her at; Kathleen can be reached at 702.510.2274 or We look forward to visiting with you soon! Thank you for your interest!

Copyright © Involved! LLC @ 2023